Join us this summer for another Farm Forum Event experience
Yes, you heard it right! Farm Forum Event is happening in the field this summer. We are taking all the things you’ve grown to love about Farm Forum Event and taking it to the Discovery Farm Langham site to give you the opportunity to earn your CEU credits in a hands-on environment. Join us for Farm Forum Event in the Field for a learning experience like no other.
Event Details
Date: August 3, 2022
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Program: Over the course of the day you will hear from a variety of industry-leading companies.
- ATP Nutrition
- Croptimistic Technology
- Nutrien
- Yara
Location: Discovery Farm Langham
Range Road 3083, RM of Corman Park Section 15, Northwest of Langham on Highway 16
GPS: 52.3549, -107.0718
Inclusions: Earn 4+ CEU credits, lunch, snacks, beverages and entertainment.
Price: $199 + GST
Space is limited with only 30 tickets available.
We hope to see you there!
Interested in learning more or reserving your spot today?
Contact our customer service team at 1-800-665-1362 or email us at [email protected].
Presentation Title: Enhancing Nutrient Use Efficiency in Crops
Presentation Summary: This talk will be about how analytics, biostimulants and management practices can aid better nutrient use efficiency. It all starts with a soil test to understand the crops nutritional requirements, followed by the development of a robust nutrient management plan working with both nutrient supply and the timing of supply. Learn how the introduction of a biostimulant pack can drive both nutrient and moisture uptake and use efficiency.
CEU: Nutrient Management 0.5 CEUs

Dan Owen
Director of Market Development and Agronomy, ATP
Originally from England, Dan gained his BSc Honors degree in Agriculture from Harper Adams University College. He then took a position as an Agronomist for a grain merchant and agricultural retailer in the east of England. Over those 12 years as an Agronomist, he continually advised on all aspects of intensive crop production from small grains to high value vegetable crops. In 2010 Dan made the move to Canadian agriculture taking on the role as Agronomy Manger for an independent retailer based in northeast Saskatchewan, this role allowed Dan to gain hands on knowledge of Canadian agricultural production systems. During his time in this role, he was recognized by the Canadian Association of Agri Retailers (CAAR) with the award of Agronomist of the Year 2013 at their annual conference.
Presentation Title: Data Driven Decisions
Presentation Summary: Axiom Applied Analytics introduces Xact. Xact is a service offering that uses multispectral and hyperspectral data in concert with Artificial Intelligence and Deep and Machine Learning to drive data-based decisions for a variety of applications within the agricultural sector.
Axiom Applied Analytics has constructed a “brain”, which analyzes the data collected using various technologies and sensors, allowing us to view the world in a different way.
Xact delivers on affordability and accuracy resulting in unprecedented decision-making and land stewardship.
To date Xact has been used to:
- Analyze and monitor soil chemistry and characteristics for optimized fertilizer application and enhanced crop production.
- Analyze and monitor Soil Organic Carbon for carbon sequestration and participation in the carbon market.
- Analyze and monitor above ground biomass and physical/biological crop characteristics during the growing season for managing and predicting quality and yields.
- Identify, assess, and predict impacts of disease in crops.
- Identify and assess crop damage and recovery due to natural events.
CEU: Crop Management 0.5 CEUs
Station Host: Doug Engdahl, Rob Friesen, Melissa Engdahl
Presentation Title: Digging into Soil Variability
Presentation Summary: What are the belowground factors that affect crop production? How can a variable rate system be applied to manage soil constraints? In this interactive session, we’ll dig into soil variability in a field and assess how stable soil properties like texture and electrical conductivity affect crop growth.
CEU: Soil & Water Management 0.5 CEUs
Lara de Moissac
Precision Agronomist for Croptimistic Technology
Lara is a Precision Agronomist for Croptimistic Technology based out of Calgary, AB. She works with farmers across southern Alberta to enhance their fertility programs using SWAT MAPS variable rate technology. Lara grew up on a grain farm in west central Saskatchewan and obtained an applied degree in horticulture at Olds College, followed by her BSc in agriculture from the University of Lethbridge, then a MSc in Soil Science from the University of Saskatchewan. Lara has worked in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the lower mainland of B.C. with crops ranging from pulses to hops.

Presentation Title: Interactions Among the 4Rs of Phosphorus Stewardship
Presentation Summary: How do the 4Rs of Phosphorus (P) Stewardship (Right Source, Right Rate, Right Place, Right Time) interact and impact our ability to optimize nutrient use efficiency across various landscape positions? Do certain P sources perform better under different soil moisture conditions? This interactive station will introduce a 3-year multi-site study aimed at addressing these questions to improve our understanding of P agronomy.
CEU: Soil & Water Management 0.5 CEUs

Blake Weiseth
Applied Research Lead (Discovery Farm) and Research Chair (Saskatchewan Polytechnic)
Blake Weiseth grew up on a grain and livestock farm near Shaunavon, Saskatchewan. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Soil Science from the University of Saskatchewan and is a professional agrologist with the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists. Blake also serves as Applied Research Lead at the Glacier FarmMedia Discovery Farm and holds a Research Chair with Saskatchewan Polytechnic, overseeing a number of applied research and demonstration projects with the goal of developing practical solutions for Canadian farmers. His research focuses on the utilization of various data layers to optimize agricultural productivity while limiting adverse environmental impact.
Presentation Title: Sustainable Fertilizer Alternatives
Presentation Summary: Conversation on sustainable fertilizer alternatives. The session is geared to learn how to feed the soil microbiome and deliver nutrients more efficiently. It is all about soil health and sequestering carbon.

Jason McNamee
Jason is an energetic, experienced team leader with a demonstrated history leading multi-disciplinary project implementation teams in the Agtech, Ocean tech, and Engineering industries. Jason has been the project manager for the development of biotech materials, Agtech R&D including field trials, the development and implementation of deep-sea research projects and environmental remediation projects. Jason has degrees in Biology and Geology and is still a decent hockey player.
Bryan Wattie
Bryan Wattie is the Business Development Lead for Lucent Biosciences. Bryan holds a M.Sc. and B.Eng in Bioresource Engineering from Macdonald College (McGill). He is passionate about developing and bringing new technologies to market that help farms be more efficient and profitable. Bryan has worked with early-stage start-ups over the past 10 years to help refine ideas into products, establish key partnerships and develop new markets through strategic trials and connecting founders with farmers.

Presentation Title: Sustainability & Digital Agronomy
Presentation Summary: At Nutrien Ag Solutions we harness science and technology to help you achieve the best possible outcomes on your farm. The Digital Hub and Echelon help you and your retail collaborate on planning, agronomics and variable rate applications. These digital solutions are key components to sustainability efforts and Nutrien’s Carbon Program in Canada.
CEU: Integrated Pest Management 0.5 CEUs

Carlos Romero
Carlos Romero is a Sustainability Manager at Nutrien Ag Solutions in North America. He supports internal and external efforts to deliver the implementation of Nutrien’s Carbon Program in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. His background includes 9+ years of research experience in soil conservation, carbon dynamics, organic matter chemistry, 4R Nutrient Stewardship, and land resilience in Argentina, Mexico, Canada, and the USA.
Brianna Walz
Brianna Walz is an experienced Crop Production Advisor and Sales Professional at Nutrien Ag Solutions. She is a leader in incorporating sustainable practices with the latest digital tools to develop solutions that help growers achieve personal and economic goals. Brianna is based out of our retail location in Langham, SK.

Presentation Title: Understanding and managing water in dryland crop production
Presentation Summary: The extreme Canadian Prairie climate has major water related implications for dryland agricultural production. This presentation will summarize some of the relationships between prairie hydrology and dryland agriculture, hydrological connections between winter and growing season, and crop water use efficiency. Opportunities to manage water with agricultural practices such as stubble and residue management to reduce risks will be discussed.
CEU: Soil & Water Management 0.5 CEUs
Phillip Harder (PhD)
Research Associate in the Centre for Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan
Phillip Harder (PhD) is a Research Associate in the Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan who has a broad interest in understanding the relationships between hydrology and agriculture on the Canadian Prairies. He grew up on a mixed farm near Saskatoon SK and trained in hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan. His current work with the Agricultural Water Futures project of the Global Water Futures program is focused on observing and modelling agriculture and water interactions in dryland production. Translating research into useful tools to improve agricultural outcomes and understand water related risks for producers is an ongoing interest.
Presentation Title: The Yara Incubator Farm
Presentation Summary: The Yara Incubator Farm is a site for research, solution trials and knowledge sharing. We bring together our best lines; YaraVera Amidas, YaraVita Procote and YaraVita Foliars to develop crop programs to enhance nutrient use efficiency, improve water use efficiency and increase grower profitability. Learn how we deliver essential nutrients for optimal crop production.
CEU: Nutrient Management 0.5 CEUs

Murray Clarke
Sales Agronomist, Canada Western Region for Yara
Murray Clarke obtained a Diploma in Agriculture in 1987 and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 1991. Professionally, he has 25 years of grain farming experience near Rosetown, Saskatchewan, 10 years in ag retail as an Agronomy and Fertilizer Manager, and 10 months with Yara Belle Plaine as Sales Agronomist for Western Saskatchewan. Currently Murray lives in Warman, Saskatchewan, and he has three grown kids, one of which works in the agriculture as part of the canola seed industry.
Cody Vogel
Regional Sales Manager – Western Prairies, Canada Western Region for Yara
Cody Vogel is the Regional Sales Manager for the Western Prairies at Yara. He graduated from Olds College in 2002 and has 16 years in crop input retail, including roles in sales, agronomy, consulting and leadership. Cody joined Yara four years ago as a Sales Agronomist and now has the role of Regional Sales Manager for the Western Prairies. He is responsible for his own territory in northern Alberta, but also has two Sales Agronomists that look after other territories in western Saskatchewan and southern Alberta along with British Columbia. Cody currently lives in Camrose, AB and has a daughter and two sons.